Monday, January 29, 2018

Take a Journey With Me

Chinese philosopher Laozi once said, " The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.".  Well, two weeks ago, I started that journey and took that first step.  While my finish line isn't 1000 miles, it doesn't make it that less challenging.  The final goal is to lose a total of 100 pounds.  Although I am going to admit that I am starting this blog with a bit of a head start.  In January 2017 I was sitting at 224 lbs.  I started 2018 at 209, so I had already lost 15 of those 100lbs.

See how the weight jumps at the beginning from 214 to 224? Yeah, that's because I finally got myself a scale at that time. Prior to that, I just told myself I weighed in at 214.  I can't be the only one who did that, right?? Yeah, it was a real shocker when I stepped on the scale for the first time.   And so I started working out. Mostly just running on a treadmill, and I lost some weight.  I got down to 209 and pretty much stayed there for a while.  I stopped working out, I stopped doing anything to lose weight but I still ate healthily.  The result was, I lost a few pounds, dropping down to 204 in the course of the year but I didn't put anything on, giving me a better playing field to start with for 2018 than I had in 2017..  Basically, I gave myself a good 20 lb head start towards my goal for 2018 - to lose 100 lbs without surgery or fad diets. I'm going to do this the old fashioned way  with diet and exercise.

The end goal is to weigh in at around 124lbs which is on the higher end of what is considered a normal healthy weight for a female at 5'2 inches.  I will not kid myself to think I would ever weight under 124 lbs again and even aiming for 124 pounds seems pretty unrealistic.  As things stand right now, I am in the "Obese" category.  Last year, I was considered "Extremely Obese" so I've made some improvement at least. 

But the fact is, I'm still "obese"..   And we can't really be honest about anything else until we are honest about that. There is an excess of fat in just about every portion of my body which is putting undue strain on the organs of my body.  I am pre-diabetic, I have high blood pressure, I have high cholesterol, and my cardio fitness score is 24.6.  While I do not take any medications for any medical conditions, it's easy to say that if I don't work on making the changes that need to be met, I will probably develop a number of conditions in the near future.  With a history of heart disease and diabetes in my family, it's up to me to either live with it or do something about it before it gets to that point.

Nobody said "obese" was pretty.  We can try to bullshit ourselves all we want with body positivity and all that load of crap.  I know I'm way overweight, I know it's not attractive and I know it's killing me.   And to show you just how well aware of how bad it looks, I'm going to share my current photos with you...

Yeah, there's not a whole lot to smile about in those pictures.  One day, I hope, these will be my "Before" pictures, that I can put side by side with pictures of a svelt looking beauty with a tight butt and even tighter abs in a two piece swim suit.

I'm starting this blog 2 weeks in on my exercise routine.  In those two weeks, I've dropped my weight down an additional 4 lbs, bringing me into what I call "Onederland" for the first time in probably 11 years.

So here are where the stats are at this moment:

Starting Weight: 224
Current Weight: 199
Measurements as of 1/17/2018
     Chest:  49 in
     Upper Arms:  16 inches
     Waist:  44 inches
      Hips: 73 inches  (that includes my huge enormous gut)
     Thighs:  25.5
     Calves:  14.5

                   Total Inches:  222

Yeah, we got some work to do!!!

And I've been trying my best to do it.. For the last two weeks, I have been working out 6 days a week.

Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays I accompany my husband to the gym/track and I work on the rowing machine for 15 minutes while he runs. Once I complete a full 15 minutes of rowing, I join him on the track for two laps. While I am not running the laps, I am trying to jog one of the straights each time I come to it.

These days also has me facing my current nemisis - the tire flip.  This flip is 180lbs and for the first week, I could lift it up but not lift it high enough to get the momentum to flip it.  This week, I did finally accomplish actually flipping it.  This will continue to be the end of my workouts on M-W-F as I hope to get to where flipping this thing is nothing...

Finally flipping the damn thing!!!!

On Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, I have been trying to work on strength training.   I'm going to be completely honest here, I have NO idea what I am doing with weights and there's nobody to teach me so I have been devouring every muscle magazine and youtube video I can find to learn proper techniques and exercises to do.

Tonight I even hopped back on the Treadmill..  I'm going to be trying to use Couch 2 5K to help get me from a lard ass to a runner and I figured this was a good way to start.  However, my youngest was with me this time and decided to have a fit, so I had to leave before completing the full 30 minutes of my walk/jog.  (I did complete 30 minutes of weights before getting on the treadmill, so my workout wasn't a complete bust).

Now, for my goals.. I have to have something to work towards.  So, here it goes

1.)   To be able to run (with a respectable time) the "Reindeer Run 5K" in December

Right now, that's pretty much it.. Other's will come into play as time goes by. Like fitting into a pair of white shorts that I have right now (size 16) and actually look good in them rather than like a sausage. Currently, they don't fit at all.   That would be one of my short-term goals.  As I think of more, I'll document them.

This blog is really for me as a way to look back on the journey that I am taking.  But if someone finds it and wishes to follow it, by all means, follow. But be warned, if you find this blog through my Homeschool blog, my language will be much different here.  There will be days I will be upset - the scale didn't' go the way I hoped, I didn't accomplish something, ect and since I'm using this as my diary, I will express that frustration here.  I admit I curse like a sailor.  Both of my parents were Marines and my first word was of the four-letter variety.  If you can deal with that, then we're good. 

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